Kimber Bowers/Loving Light Holistic Wellness LLC
Reiki Master, Soul Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Qigong Instructor, Holistic Speaker, Essence Practitioner, AAS Mind-Body Transpersonal Psychology, Author, Mom (that counts, right?)
Break through the emotional and mental blocks that have kept you isolated. Time with Kimber will help you to connect with the love that is always flowing into your life. Inspired by her own transformation through a tumultuous journey, she has discovered the keys to living a loving and successful life filled with joy and passion and wants you to feel the same! It is her purpose in this life to serve as a reflection of the Love that IS, allowing others to discover it within their own realities and within their own souls.
Schedule a Session with Kimber at Lovelight
Phone: 410-241-2635
Toe Reading/Soul Coaching: $1 per minute (minimum 15)
Reiki: 35 min $45 ON-SITE. BOOK EARLY $35
Regression Hypnosis:
Did you know that we experience emotions on a cellular level? Even when mentally processed, emotional trauma trapped in the body can contribute to subconscious patterns that prevent us from tapping into the fulfillment we want in life. Kimber Bowers, Certified Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Clinical Hypnotherapist will guide you through practical tools to release trauma and reconnect to your inner peace. Learn simple techniques using movement, sound, and visualization to bring balance on a mental, spiritual, and physical level!