Alana’s love for yoga came from firsthand experience with just how powerful the practice is. “In 2009, Yoga found me. Inside the studio, she experienced a deep sense of belonging, but the most profound part was what happened after. “I felt as though I was at true peace. I finally knew what the word meant. Until that moment, I had just understood it cerebrally. There is something profound to be said about peace dropping into the heart.” With a background in ballet starting at the age of 2 that continued through age 15, Alana realized that She had been doing yoga even then. “The girls in the dance studio and I used to see who could hold full lotus the longest when I was just 4. I realize now that I have been training to practice and teach yoga my whole life”
In 2012, her journey took her to India for 3 months where she trained with incredible locals near the Himalayas and fell into a rhythm of practice that felt sustaining. She knew that when She returned from the East, she would begin in creating a life as a teacher of Yoga to help others journey to find whole health and well-being in the mind, body, and soul. She has been teaching ever since. CYT and E-RYT certified in Vinyasa with a focus in Ashtanga Yoga and her personal studies of many holistic modalities including integrative breathwork, pranayama, plant based nutrition, and various yoga theory and practicum ranging from restorative to advanced vinyasa and everything in between, Alana teaches all levels and all ages. “I want to reach you at the level of your needs, and I try to communicate with you on a mind, body, soul level to find out what that is. We co-create a beautiful practice together. My students are my best teachers. In that light, we are co-teaching each other in every moment. It is really a beautiful experience.