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Salt Ceremony

Natalie Toma

Salt Bowl Ceremony

Fee: $15.00 per person

Durtaion: 2 hours

Description: The ancient tradition of the Salt Bowl Ceremony is a magickal way to cast our intentions into the Universe. This beautiful manifestation ritual brings people together in circle to co-create sacred space for ourselves. During the ceremony, a large bowl of sea salt is passed. around the circle. Each person contributes a special ingredient to the bowl, folding it in as you infuse the salt with prayers, desires, intentions & gratitude. This can be anything that you want, a goal for your life, a thought about the relationships in the circle, a kind message to the group, aspiration, whatever intention you feel compelled to pour into the bowl is left in the salt. The sacred space we create together magnifies the power of our intentions. This powerful co-creation will be shared among each of us. Our time together will begin with a grounding meditation; followed by sharing our voices in song to amplify the energy and intentions. Please bring an offering for the bowl such as herbs, flower petals, essential oils, crystals…whatever you feel called to bring & a mason jar or similar to bring your salts home with you.